We've talked about everything from baking to whiskey to history, but 63 Percent Scottish explores a new frontier in our newest episode: film. We've chosen the film "Local Hero" which has been called the "definitive" Scottish film to discuss. Why is it a definitive representation of Scottish culture?
To answer, we have journalist and author Jonathan Melville on the show. He's the author of "Local Hero: Making a Scottish Classic" - the definitive account of how this film was made, which is available in the USA and Canada. We cover:
- What makes "Local Hero" the definitive Scottish film?
- The non-stereotypical depiction of rural Scottish life
- The message Bill Forsyth was trying to communicate with the film
- The soundtrack contributions of Glaswegian Mark Knopfler
Have thoughts? Connect with 63 Percent Scottish on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram or contact us at 63percentscottish.com.
Music by RomanSenykMusic from Pixabay.